55. | | Stargate and more: AI on the move (Richard Socher) Falling Walls Foundation, 29.01.2025, (Falling Walls Office, Berlin, 29. Jan 2025). @misc{nokey,
title = {Stargate and more: AI on the move (Richard Socher)},
year = {2025},
date = {2025-01-29},
abstract = { Richard Socher is a visionary in the field of artificial intelligence. His pioneering contributions, including the development of recurrent neural networks (RNNs), have revolutionised natural language processing tasks such as sentiment analysis and machine translation. As one of the world's most cited researchers in the field of AI, Socher will share his insights into Artificial General Intelligence and its world-changing impact and comment on recent developments in the US, such as the "Stargate Initiative".},
howpublished = {Falling Walls Foundation},
note = {Falling Walls Office, Berlin, 29. Jan 2025},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
Richard Socher is a visionary in the field of artificial intelligence. His pioneering contributions, including the development of recurrent neural networks (RNNs), have revolutionised natural language processing tasks such as sentiment analysis and machine translation. As one of the world's most cited researchers in the field of AI, Socher will share his insights into Artificial General Intelligence and its world-changing impact and comment on recent developments in the US, such as the "Stargate Initiative". |
54. |  | Disruption versus consolidation: an editor's perspective on scientific progress (invited talk) 1st Congress “Nano Solutions meet Big Challenges in Health”, 23.01.2025, (Madrid, Spain, 23.-24. Jan. 2025). @misc{nokey,
title = {Disruption versus consolidation: an editor's perspective on scientific progress (invited talk)},
url = {https://eventos.uam.es/122243/detail/1st-congress-nano-solutions-meet-big-challenges-in-health.html},
year = {2025},
date = {2025-01-23},
urldate = {2025-01-23},
howpublished = {1st Congress “Nano Solutions meet Big Challenges in Health”},
note = {Madrid, Spain, 23.-24. Jan. 2025},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
53. |  | Maike Pfalz "Diese Breite ist total spannend" (English: "This breadth is utterly fascinating") In: Physik Journal, iss. 1, 2025. @article{nokey,
title = {"Diese Breite ist total spannend" (English: "This breadth is utterly fascinating")},
author = {Maike Pfalz},
url = {https://christiankuttner.de/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Pflaz_PJ_Interview_2025.pdf, PDF German
https://christiankuttner.de/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Physikjournal-interview-engl.pdf, PDF English
https://pro-physik.de/zeitschriften/download/22490, Link
year = {2025},
date = {2025-01-07},
urldate = {2025-01-07},
journal = {Physik Journal},
issue = {1},
abstract = {Der promovierte Naturwissenschaftler Christian Kuttner arbeitet seit drei Jahren als Editor bei Nature Communications.
Bei Christian Kuttner lief alles auf eine Karriere in der Wissenschaft hinaus: Nach Diplom und Promotion folgten mehrere Postdoc-Stationen und zuletzt eine Stelle als Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow in Spanien. Während der Corona-Pandemie fiel jedoch die Entscheidung für eine Tätigkeit bei Springer Nature.},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
Der promovierte Naturwissenschaftler Christian Kuttner arbeitet seit drei Jahren als Editor bei Nature Communications.
Bei Christian Kuttner lief alles auf eine Karriere in der Wissenschaft hinaus: Nach Diplom und Promotion folgten mehrere Postdoc-Stationen und zuletzt eine Stelle als Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow in Spanien. Während der Corona-Pandemie fiel jedoch die Entscheidung für eine Tätigkeit bei Springer Nature. |
52. |  | Uniting Today’s Nanotechnology for Advancing Tomorrow’s Semiconductor Physics (Meet-the-Editor Session) 821. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 14.11.2024, (Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, 13.-15. Nov. 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Uniting Today’s Nanotechnology for Advancing Tomorrow’s Semiconductor Physics (Meet-the-Editor Session)},
url = {https://www.we-heraeus-stiftung.de/veranstaltungen/uniting-todays-nanotechnology-for-advancing-tomorrows-semiconductor-physics/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-11-14},
urldate = {2024-11-14},
howpublished = {821. WE-Heraeus-Seminar},
note = {Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, 13.-15. Nov. 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
51. |  | Which are the next walls to fall? Falling Walls Science Summit 2024, Berlin Science Week, 07.11.2024, (Berlin, Germany, 7.-9.11.2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Which are the next walls to fall?},
url = {https://www.youtube.com/c/FallingWallsFoundation},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-11-07},
howpublished = {Falling Walls Science Summit 2024, Berlin Science Week},
note = {Berlin, Germany, 7.-9.11.2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
50. |  | Mit Physik die Welt verstehen und gestalten Die Jahresveranstaltung der Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung, 06.11.2024, (dbb forum Berlin, 6. Nov. 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Mit Physik die Welt verstehen und gestalten},
url = {https://www.we-heraeus-stiftung.de/veranstaltungen/we-heraeus-forum-2024/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-11-06},
howpublished = {Die Jahresveranstaltung der Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung},
note = {dbb forum Berlin, 6. Nov. 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
49. |  | Avoiding bias in decision making? (hangout session) Hangout with Falling Walls Labsters: Science Communication and Publishing, Berlin Science Week, 05.11.2024, (Berlin, Germany, 5.11.2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Avoiding bias in decision making? (hangout session)},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-11-05},
howpublished = {Hangout with Falling Walls Labsters: Science Communication and Publishing, Berlin Science Week},
note = {Berlin, Germany, 5.11.2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
48. |  | SN Berlin Slam 2024 (canceled) Springer Nature Berlin Hub and Berlin Science Week, 01.11.2024, (Berlin, 1. Nov. 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {SN Berlin Slam 2024 (canceled)},
url = {go.nature.com/SNBerlinSlam2024
https://christiankuttner.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Twitter-post.png },
year = {2024},
date = {2024-11-01},
urldate = {2024-11-01},
journal = {Springer Nature Berlin},
abstract = {Springer Nature - Berlin is organizing a pitching contest for students*.
The contest will be a Berlin Science Week event, scheduled for Friday, November 1st (evening), in front of a live audience, at Springer Nature Berlin’s offices (Heidelberger Platz 3, 14197 Berlin).
Every participant will present their research in an entertaining way aimed at a general audience. The presentations will be 9 minutes long. A live audience will appoint the winning presentation.
Participants will be invited for a training session with Springer Nature editors a few weeks before the event to help shape their presentations.
Are you a Bachelor / Master / PhD student* and interested in taking part? Then get in touch with us by sending an e-mail to SNBerlinSlam2024@springernature.com! Please include a short description of your research and a short statement of why you would like to participate. A video statement (less than 1 minute long) is encouraged but not necessary.
We are looking forward to receiving your expression of interest**!
Springer Nature - Berlin
*Please note that we cannot reimburse travel costs, so we expect interested PhD students to be based in Berlin or nearby.
**By sending us your expression of interest, you agree that your name and e-mail address are stored and may be used by Springer Nature to send you information about the event and the training session by e-mail. },
howpublished = {Springer Nature Berlin Hub and Berlin Science Week},
note = {Berlin, 1. Nov. 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
Springer Nature - Berlin is organizing a pitching contest for students*.
The contest will be a Berlin Science Week event, scheduled for Friday, November 1st (evening), in front of a live audience, at Springer Nature Berlin’s offices (Heidelberger Platz 3, 14197 Berlin).
Every participant will present their research in an entertaining way aimed at a general audience. The presentations will be 9 minutes long. A live audience will appoint the winning presentation.
Participants will be invited for a training session with Springer Nature editors a few weeks before the event to help shape their presentations.
Are you a Bachelor / Master / PhD student* and interested in taking part? Then get in touch with us by sending an e-mail to SNBerlinSlam2024@springernature.com! Please include a short description of your research and a short statement of why you would like to participate. A video statement (less than 1 minute long) is encouraged but not necessary.
We are looking forward to receiving your expression of interest**!
Springer Nature - Berlin
*Please note that we cannot reimburse travel costs, so we expect interested PhD students to be based in Berlin or nearby.
**By sending us your expression of interest, you agree that your name and e-mail address are stored and may be used by Springer Nature to send you information about the event and the training session by e-mail. |
47. |  | General Assembly of the AKjDPG Young DPG (jDPG), 25.10.2024, (Berlin, 25.-27. Oct. 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {General Assembly of the AKjDPG},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-10-25},
abstract = {A full weekend with many enthusiastic young people, workshops, internal discussions, and, of course, the General Assembly. During the assembly, the national board will report on its work over the past year, a new national board will be elected, changes to the statutes and election regulations can be decided, and much more. Register now and take the opportunity to participate in the diverse program, connect with others, and gain insights into the projects of the young DPG. The assembly will take place at the Berlin-Ostkreuz Youth Hostel (Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin).},
howpublished = {Young DPG (jDPG)},
note = {Berlin, 25.-27. Oct. 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
A full weekend with many enthusiastic young people, workshops, internal discussions, and, of course, the General Assembly. During the assembly, the national board will report on its work over the past year, a new national board will be elected, changes to the statutes and election regulations can be decided, and much more. Register now and take the opportunity to participate in the diverse program, connect with others, and gain insights into the projects of the young DPG. The assembly will take place at the Berlin-Ostkreuz Youth Hostel (Marktstraße 9-12, 10317 Berlin). |
46. |  | Inside Nature portfolio: editorial process and innovations (talk) 52nd biennial assembly of the colloid society, 01.10.2024, (Dresden, Germany, 30. Sept. -2. Oct. 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Inside Nature portfolio: editorial process and innovations (talk)},
url = {https://cfaed.tu-dresden.de/programme},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-10-01},
urldate = {2024-10-01},
howpublished = {52nd biennial assembly of the colloid society},
note = {Dresden, Germany, 30. Sept. -2. Oct. 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
45. |  | Inside Nature portfolio: editorial process and innovations (invited talk) SPEC 2024, Spectroscopy & Electrochemistry Summer School (Jesolo, Italy, 15.-20. Sept. 2024), 19.09.2024. @misc{nokey,
title = {Inside Nature portfolio: editorial process and innovations (invited talk)},
url = {https://wwwdisc.chimica.unipd.it/spec_school/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-09-19},
urldate = {2024-09-19},
abstract = {The Spectroscopy & Electrochemistry Summer School (SPEC 2024 Summer School) is an exciting event tailored for PhD students, post-docs, and young researchers. Proudly supported by the Divisions of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry within the Italian Chemical Society, this educational gathering promises an enriching experience. SPEC 2024 Summer School is set to be a hub of knowledge and collaboration. The event will feature distinguished international speakers renowned in the fields of spectroscopy and electrochemistry. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to engage with experts and delve into cutting-edge research and advancements.
Some of the key topics that will be explored during the event include:
Optical and Vibrational Spectroscopy in Electrochemistry
Principles and Applications of Electrochemiluminescence
Synchrotron Techniques and Magnetism Applied to Electrochemistry
Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) techniques
Microelectronic Fabrication
Additionally, courses on soft skills will be incorporated, offering attendees a complete learning experience. },
howpublished = {SPEC 2024, Spectroscopy & Electrochemistry Summer School (Jesolo, Italy, 15.-20. Sept. 2024)},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
The Spectroscopy & Electrochemistry Summer School (SPEC 2024 Summer School) is an exciting event tailored for PhD students, post-docs, and young researchers. Proudly supported by the Divisions of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry within the Italian Chemical Society, this educational gathering promises an enriching experience. SPEC 2024 Summer School is set to be a hub of knowledge and collaboration. The event will feature distinguished international speakers renowned in the fields of spectroscopy and electrochemistry. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to engage with experts and delve into cutting-edge research and advancements.
Some of the key topics that will be explored during the event include:
Optical and Vibrational Spectroscopy in Electrochemistry
Principles and Applications of Electrochemiluminescence
Synchrotron Techniques and Magnetism Applied to Electrochemistry
Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) techniques
Microelectronic Fabrication
Additionally, courses on soft skills will be incorporated, offering attendees a complete learning experience. |
44. |  | Data-driven discovery in the chemical sciences Faraday Discussion, 10.09.2024, (Oxford, UK, 10.-12. Sept. 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Data-driven discovery in the chemical sciences},
url = {https://www.rsc.org/events/detail/76887/data-driven-discovery-in-the-chemical-sciences-faraday-discussion},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-09-10},
urldate = {2024-09-10},
journal = {Faraday Discussion},
abstract = {This Discussion will focus on the increasingly central role of big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in the chemical sciences. We aim to critically discuss these topics, and to explore the question how data can enable new discoveries in chemistry, now and in the future.
We are particularly aiming to bring together different communities within chemistry – materials and molecular, in both academic and industrial research. The meeting sessions will combine different viewpoints and strive to foster new connections, ideas, and research directions.},
howpublished = {Faraday Discussion},
note = {Oxford, UK, 10.-12. Sept. 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
This Discussion will focus on the increasingly central role of big data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in the chemical sciences. We aim to critically discuss these topics, and to explore the question how data can enable new discoveries in chemistry, now and in the future.
We are particularly aiming to bring together different communities within chemistry – materials and molecular, in both academic and industrial research. The meeting sessions will combine different viewpoints and strive to foster new connections, ideas, and research directions. |
43. |  | IFA 2024 - The world's largest consumer and electronics show Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA), 08.09.2024, (Berlin, 6.-10. Sept. 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {IFA 2024 - The world's largest consumer and electronics show},
url = {https://www.ifa-berlin.com/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-09-08},
urldate = {2024-09-07},
abstract = {One IFA, two venues: IFA Berlin 2024's main event is at Messe Berlin, including IFA Next as hub for startups. The concurrent IFA Global Markets, Europe’s leading B2B sourcing platform, is hosted at STATION Berlin. },
howpublished = {Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA)},
note = {Berlin, 6.-10. Sept. 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
One IFA, two venues: IFA Berlin 2024's main event is at Messe Berlin, including IFA Next as hub for startups. The concurrent IFA Global Markets, Europe’s leading B2B sourcing platform, is hosted at STATION Berlin. |
42. |  | Leadership workshop (organisation and funding acquisition) Summer reunion of the "Leading for Tomorrow" alumni community of the German Physical Society (DPG), 05.09.2024, (Berlin, Germany, 05.-07.09.2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Leadership workshop (organisation and funding acquisition)},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-09-05},
urldate = {2024-09-05},
howpublished = {Summer reunion of the "Leading for Tomorrow" alumni community of the German Physical Society (DPG)},
note = {Berlin, Germany, 05.-07.09.2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {forthcoming},
tppubtype = {presentation}
41. |  | Booster Workshop for Volunteer Staff of the DPG - Project Management & Team Management DPG Akademie, 29.08.2024, (Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, 29.-30. Aug. 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Booster Workshop for Volunteer Staff of the DPG - Project Management & Team Management},
url = {https://www.dpg-physik.de/veranstaltungen/2024/boosterworkshop-fuer-ehrenamtliche-mitarbeitende-der-dpg-projektmanagement-teammanagement},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-08-29},
abstract = {This workshop provides comprehensive skills in project and team management, enabling participants to carry out their tasks more efficiently and effectively. Another focus is on supporting and developing participants' soft skills to enhance their communication and collaboration abilities.},
howpublished = {DPG Akademie},
note = {Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, 29.-30. Aug. 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
This workshop provides comprehensive skills in project and team management, enabling participants to carry out their tasks more efficiently and effectively. Another focus is on supporting and developing participants' soft skills to enhance their communication and collaboration abilities. |
40. | | Botanische Nacht #BoNa2024 15 years Botanical Night: A magical anniversary at the Botanical Garden Berlin!, 19.07.2024, (Berlin, 19.-20. July 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Botanische Nacht #BoNa2024},
url = {https://www.botanische-nacht.de/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-07-19},
urldate = {2024-07-19},
abstract = {On July 19th and 20th, 2024, Botanical Night celebrates its 15th anniversary with a spectacular event for the whole family. Explore not only the 10 well-known worlds but also 5 secret extra worlds with unique photo spots.
Experience how the garden transforms into a radiant wonderland with countless lights. Sound artists and performers from around the world showcase their skills in this luminous environment, inviting you to marvel, laugh, and dance.
Especially after nightfall, the splendor of the Botanical Garden blooms in full. Unpredictable surprises from the worlds of art and acrobatics culminate in a spectacular finale at the grand tropical house, making this night an unforgettable experience. Join us for a magical night at the Botanical Garden Berlin, where for one evening, the wonders of nature merge with the world of magic, sound, and light. 15 years Botanical Night – A night to remember!},
howpublished = {15 years Botanical Night: A magical anniversary at the Botanical Garden Berlin!},
note = {Berlin, 19.-20. July 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
On July 19th and 20th, 2024, Botanical Night celebrates its 15th anniversary with a spectacular event for the whole family. Explore not only the 10 well-known worlds but also 5 secret extra worlds with unique photo spots.
Experience how the garden transforms into a radiant wonderland with countless lights. Sound artists and performers from around the world showcase their skills in this luminous environment, inviting you to marvel, laugh, and dance.
Especially after nightfall, the splendor of the Botanical Garden blooms in full. Unpredictable surprises from the worlds of art and acrobatics culminate in a spectacular finale at the grand tropical house, making this night an unforgettable experience. Join us for a magical night at the Botanical Garden Berlin, where for one evening, the wonders of nature merge with the world of magic, sound, and light. 15 years Botanical Night – A night to remember! |
39. |  | Which are the next walls to fall in science and society? Falling Walls Lab Adlershof, 16.07.2024, (BAM, Berlin, 16. July 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Which are the next walls to fall in science and society?},
url = {https://www.bam.de/Content/DE/Veranstaltungen/2024/2024-07-16-falling-walls-lab-adlershof.html
https://www.bam.de/_SharedDocs/EN/Downloads/Events/2023-09-21-falling-walls-lab-adlershof-programme-booklet.pdf?__blob=publicationFile, Programme},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-07-16},
urldate = {2024-07-16},
journal = {Falling Walls Lab Adlershof},
abstract = {The Falling Walls Lab Adlershof is the North German preliminary round jointly organized by BAM and the research network IGAFA.
Three minutes is all it takes: The lab winner qualifies for the global Finale in Berlin on 7 November and wins a ticket to attend the Falling Walls Science Summit, where the international Lab winners get to interact and network with the world’s movers and shakers of science, business, and policy-making.
Past presentations have ranged in topic from ‘Breaking the Wall of Coral Reef Protection from Space’ to ‘Breaking the Wall of Access to Justice’. The breakthrough factor (how innovative is the proposed idea?), potential impact of the presented work (how relevant is the idea to the discipline and beyond?), and performance (how convincing was the presentation?) help the jury determine the winner.},
howpublished = {Falling Walls Lab Adlershof},
note = {BAM, Berlin, 16. July 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
The Falling Walls Lab Adlershof is the North German preliminary round jointly organized by BAM and the research network IGAFA.
Three minutes is all it takes: The lab winner qualifies for the global Finale in Berlin on 7 November and wins a ticket to attend the Falling Walls Science Summit, where the international Lab winners get to interact and network with the world’s movers and shakers of science, business, and policy-making.
Past presentations have ranged in topic from ‘Breaking the Wall of Coral Reef Protection from Space’ to ‘Breaking the Wall of Access to Justice’. The breakthrough factor (how innovative is the proposed idea?), potential impact of the presented work (how relevant is the idea to the discipline and beyond?), and performance (how convincing was the presentation?) help the jury determine the winner. |
38. |  | Inside Nature portfolio: editorial process and innovations (invited talk) Curious2024 – Future Insight™ Conference, 10.07.2024, (Rheingoldhalle, Mainz, Germany 10–11. July, 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Inside Nature portfolio: editorial process and innovations (invited talk)},
url = {https://www.curiousfutureinsight.org/
year = {2024},
date = {2024-07-10},
urldate = {2024-07-10},
abstract = {Why do editors exist? What does it mean to be a professional editor? What is the significance of innovation and how is it linked to science publishing? How do editors make decisions?
Since its launch in 1869, Nature has seen its mission as two-fold: facilitating the prompt communication of the most important scientific developments to the relevant research communities, while at the same time fostering a greater appreciation of these works amongst the wider public. Although the publishing landscape for scientific research is currently undergoing a period of rapid change, these core principles remain largely unchanged. In this workshop professional editors from the Nature portfolio will draw a clear big picture of the whole family of Nature-branded titles, unfolding the behind the scenes of the editorial process and delving into the intricate decision making process that defines the difference between different journals. They will also unveil, with anecdotes and real-life examples, some hidden insights to navigate the landscape of science publishing and exploring innovative solutions towards a more transparent peer-review, including the integration of early career researchers in peer reviewing, the handling of multidisciplinary research, and the open data initiatives that can bring real a advantages to researchers and science.},
howpublished = {Curious2024 – Future Insight™ Conference},
note = {Rheingoldhalle, Mainz, Germany 10–11. July, 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
Why do editors exist? What does it mean to be a professional editor? What is the significance of innovation and how is it linked to science publishing? How do editors make decisions?
Since its launch in 1869, Nature has seen its mission as two-fold: facilitating the prompt communication of the most important scientific developments to the relevant research communities, while at the same time fostering a greater appreciation of these works amongst the wider public. Although the publishing landscape for scientific research is currently undergoing a period of rapid change, these core principles remain largely unchanged. In this workshop professional editors from the Nature portfolio will draw a clear big picture of the whole family of Nature-branded titles, unfolding the behind the scenes of the editorial process and delving into the intricate decision making process that defines the difference between different journals. They will also unveil, with anecdotes and real-life examples, some hidden insights to navigate the landscape of science publishing and exploring innovative solutions towards a more transparent peer-review, including the integration of early career researchers in peer reviewing, the handling of multidisciplinary research, and the open data initiatives that can bring real a advantages to researchers and science. |
37. |  | Equity in Science and Society Pride at MDC Symposium, 28.06.2024, (Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (MDC-BIMSB), Berlin, Germany, 28. June 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Equity in Science and Society},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-06-28},
urldate = {2024-06-28},
howpublished = {Pride at MDC Symposium},
note = {Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (MDC-BIMSB), Berlin, Germany, 28. June 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
36. |  | Career as a leader: How does it work? (Podium discussion) Starting module of the Leading-for-Tomorrow cohort 2024, 27.06.2024, (Magnus-Haus, Berlin, 27. June 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Career as a leader: How does it work? (Podium discussion)},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-06-27},
urldate = {2024-06-27},
howpublished = {Starting module of the Leading-for-Tomorrow cohort 2024},
note = {Magnus-Haus, Berlin, 27. June 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
35. |  | Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Micro‐ and Nanoparticles: Theory & Experiment (Meet-the-Editor Session) 815. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 09.06.2024, (Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, 9.-12. June 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Micro‐ and Nanoparticles: Theory & Experiment (Meet-the-Editor Session)},
url = {https://www.we-heraeus-stiftung.de/veranstaltungen/nonequilibrium-dynamics-of-micro-and-nanoparticles-theory-experiment/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-06-09},
urldate = {2024-06-09},
howpublished = {815. WE-Heraeus-Seminar},
note = {Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, 9.-12. June 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
34. |  | Berlin Sciencefluencer 2024 - Award Ceremony Berlin University Alliance, 05.06.2024, (Berlin, 5. June 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Berlin Sciencefluencer 2024 - Award Ceremony},
url = {https://www.berlin-university-alliance.de/commitments/knowledge-exchange/Sciencefluencer/index.html},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-06-05},
abstract = {Berlin is looking for the Sciencefluencer 2024!
More than 130 students, PhD students, postdocs and professors applied during the summer for this training program, after a hard selection these are the 15 participants! Now, over a period of six months, they will learn all the tricks and tools to build a successful professional social media presence and become visible in the scientific community.
Keep yourself updated and have a look at what they are up to.You can add them to your LinkedIn network by clicking on their names on the website. Each month we interview three of them and post more about each of the 2024 candidates.
At the end of the 6 months we will select the best Sciencefluencer 2024!},
howpublished = {Berlin University Alliance},
note = {Berlin, 5. June 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
Berlin is looking for the Sciencefluencer 2024!
More than 130 students, PhD students, postdocs and professors applied during the summer for this training program, after a hard selection these are the 15 participants! Now, over a period of six months, they will learn all the tricks and tools to build a successful professional social media presence and become visible in the scientific community.
Keep yourself updated and have a look at what they are up to.You can add them to your LinkedIn network by clicking on their names on the website. Each month we interview three of them and post more about each of the 2024 candidates.
At the end of the 6 months we will select the best Sciencefluencer 2024! |
33. |  | Woche der Umwelt Deutsch Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU), 04.06.2024, (Berlin, Bellevue, 4.-5. June 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Woche der Umwelt},
url = {https://www.woche-der-umwelt.de/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-06-04},
urldate = {2024-06-04},
abstract = {Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier und die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) laden herzlich ein zur Woche der Umwelt 2024. Am 4. und 5. Juni 2024 erwartet Sie ein attraktives Fachprogramm, spannende Diskussionen und eine große Ausstellung. Rund 190 Ausstellende aus Wirtschaft und Technik, Forschung und Wissenschaft sowie aus der Zivilgesellschaft präsentieren in der zweitägigen Innovationsschau im Park von Schloss Bellevue ihre zukunftsweisenden Lösungen für eine verantwortungsvolle Gestaltung des Wandels.},
howpublished = {Deutsch Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)},
note = {Berlin, Bellevue, 4.-5. June 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {forthcoming},
tppubtype = {presentation}
Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier und die Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) laden herzlich ein zur Woche der Umwelt 2024. Am 4. und 5. Juni 2024 erwartet Sie ein attraktives Fachprogramm, spannende Diskussionen und eine große Ausstellung. Rund 190 Ausstellende aus Wirtschaft und Technik, Forschung und Wissenschaft sowie aus der Zivilgesellschaft präsentieren in der zweitägigen Innovationsschau im Park von Schloss Bellevue ihre zukunftsweisenden Lösungen für eine verantwortungsvolle Gestaltung des Wandels. |
32. |  | Functional Materials at Surfaces - Fabrication, Atomic-scale Characterization, and Advances Towards Application (Meet-the-Editor Session) 809. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 06.05.2024, (Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, 5.-10. May 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Functional Materials at Surfaces - Fabrication, Atomic-scale Characterization, and Advances Towards Application (Meet-the-Editor Session)},
url = {https://www.we-heraeus-stiftung.de/veranstaltungen/functional-materials-at-surfaces-fabrication-atomic-scale-characterization-and-advances-towards-application/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-05-06},
urldate = {2024-05-06},
howpublished = {809. WE-Heraeus-Seminar},
note = {Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, 5.-10. May 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
31. |  | Christian Kuttner, Adam Kubec Mit Physik die Welt verstehen und verändern (Understanding and shaping the world with physics) In: Physik Journal, vol. 23, iss. 4, pp. 51, 2024. @article{Kuttner2024,
title = {Mit Physik die Welt verstehen und verändern (Understanding and shaping the world with physics)},
author = {Christian Kuttner and Adam Kubec},
url = {https://christiankuttner.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/2024-Mit-Physik-die-Welt-verstehen-und-gestalten.pdf, German version
https://christiankuttner.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/WE-Heraeus-Forum-english.pdf, English version},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-04-02},
urldate = {2024-04-01},
journal = {Physik Journal},
volume = {23},
issue = {4},
pages = {51},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
30. |  | Podcast episode: The academic publishing system Your Friendly Physicist and Other Nerds, 01.04.2024, (Youtube, Spotify, AppleMusic, 1. Apr. 2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Podcast episode: The academic publishing system},
url = {https://t.co/4nzFwRmsJX, Spotify
https://t.co/wAtgr6NJqw, Youtube},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-04-01},
urldate = {2024-04-01},
abstract = {A new podcast episode featuring discussing the ins and outs of academic publishing. Tune in for insights on journal purposes, essential editor skills, predatory journals, and the future of publishing.},
howpublished = {Your Friendly Physicist and Other Nerds},
note = {Youtube, Spotify, AppleMusic, 1. Apr. 2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
A new podcast episode featuring discussing the ins and outs of academic publishing. Tune in for insights on journal purposes, essential editor skills, predatory journals, and the future of publishing. |
29. |  | The EPS Forum European Physics Society (EPS), 25.03.2024, (Freie Universität Berlin, 25.-27.3.2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {The EPS Forum},
url = {https://epsforum.org/},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-03-25},
urldate = {2024-03-25},
howpublished = {European Physics Society (EPS)},
note = {Freie Universität Berlin, 25.-27.3.2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
28. |  | Spring meeting of the condensed matter section 17.03.2024, (Berlin, 17.-22.03.2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Spring meeting of the condensed matter section},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-03-17},
urldate = {2024-03-17},
note = {Berlin, 17.-22.03.2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
27. |  | Opening event of the Main FlussFilmFest shorts 2024 14.03.2024, (Bayreuth, Germany, 14.03.2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {Opening event of the Main FlussFilmFest shorts 2024},
url = {https://netzwerkmain.de/flussfilmfest/
year = {2024},
date = {2024-03-14},
urldate = {2024-03-14},
note = {Bayreuth, Germany, 14.03.2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
26. |  | From Postdoc to ... Editor (career talk / video) Youtube, 01.03.2024. @misc{nokey,
title = {From Postdoc to ... Editor (career talk / video)},
url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGJwch5NR60},
year = {2024},
date = {2024-03-01},
urldate = {2024-03-01},
publisher = {Spot on Shorts - In a Nutshell},
howpublished = {Youtube},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
25. |  | Christian Kuttner, Adam Kubec Ein lebendiges Netzwerk (A vibrant network) In: Physik Journal, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 76-77, 2024. @article{nokey,
title = {Ein lebendiges Netzwerk (A vibrant network)},
author = {Christian Kuttner and Adam Kubec},
url = {https://christiankuttner.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/2024-Ein-lebendiges-Netzwerk.pdf
year = {2024},
date = {2024-02-26},
urldate = {2024-02-26},
journal = {Physik Journal},
volume = {23},
issue = {3},
pages = {76-77},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {article}
24. |  | The responsibility of science: Which technology could turn out to be the next nuclear bomb? Joint Committee on the Handling of Security-Related Research, Leopoldina, 23.01.2024, (Berlin, Cinema Paris, 23.01.2024). @misc{nokey,
title = {The responsibility of science: Which technology could turn out to be the next nuclear bomb?},
url = {https://www.leopoldina.org/veranstaltungen/veranstaltung/event/3136/
year = {2024},
date = {2024-01-23},
abstract = {Christopher Nolan's 2023 film "Oppenheimer", which dramatically describes the events surrounding the construction of the first atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project, raises fundamental questions about the responsibility of science that have lost none of their topicality:
Can the scope of technological developments be foreseen and how can the potential for misuse of research be recognised and minimised in good time?
How do researchers reflect on the dual usability of their results and methods for useful and harmful purposes as well as possible long-term effects on society and the environment?
What questions can high-impact scientific innovations raise in an international context?
Should we still research things that we do not want as a society due to risk considerations in order to better understand them?
The film evening followed by a panel discussion will discuss the above questions. Prof. Dr Britta Siegmund ML (Vice President of the DFG and Chair of the Joint Committee), Prof. Dr Florian Kraus (University of Marburg) and Dr Alexander Blum (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) will discuss with the audience the current issues surrounding the possible harmful use of research findings.},
howpublished = {Joint Committee on the Handling of Security-Related Research, Leopoldina},
note = {Berlin, Cinema Paris, 23.01.2024},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
Christopher Nolan's 2023 film "Oppenheimer", which dramatically describes the events surrounding the construction of the first atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project, raises fundamental questions about the responsibility of science that have lost none of their topicality:
Can the scope of technological developments be foreseen and how can the potential for misuse of research be recognised and minimised in good time?
How do researchers reflect on the dual usability of their results and methods for useful and harmful purposes as well as possible long-term effects on society and the environment?
What questions can high-impact scientific innovations raise in an international context?
Should we still research things that we do not want as a society due to risk considerations in order to better understand them?
The film evening followed by a panel discussion will discuss the above questions. Prof. Dr Britta Siegmund ML (Vice President of the DFG and Chair of the Joint Committee), Prof. Dr Florian Kraus (University of Marburg) and Dr Alexander Blum (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) will discuss with the audience the current issues surrounding the possible harmful use of research findings. |
23. |  | Outreach for L4T-Alumni Community Leading for Tomorrow - Market Place und Transfer, 27.11.2023, (Magnus-Haus Berlin, 27.11.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {Outreach for L4T-Alumni Community},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-11-27},
urldate = {2023-11-27},
howpublished = {Leading for Tomorrow - Market Place und Transfer},
note = {Magnus-Haus Berlin, 27.11.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
22. |  | Which are the next walls to fall? Falling Walls Science Summit 2023, Berlin Science Week, 07.11.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 7.-9.11.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {Which are the next walls to fall?},
url = {https://science-summit.com/falling-walls-science-summit},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-11-07},
howpublished = {Falling Walls Science Summit 2023, Berlin Science Week},
note = {Berlin, Germany, 7.-9.11.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
21. |  | Mit Physik die Welt verstehen und gestalten WE-Heraeus-Forum, Jahresveranstaltung der Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung, 06.11.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 6.11.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {Mit Physik die Welt verstehen und gestalten},
url = {https://www.we-heraeus-stiftung.de/veranstaltungen/we-heraeus-forum-2023/},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-11-06},
journal = {WE-Heraeus-Forum},
howpublished = {WE-Heraeus-Forum, Jahresveranstaltung der Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung},
note = {Berlin, Germany, 6.11.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {forthcoming},
tppubtype = {presentation}
20. |  | Transparency in publishing: How to open the black box of peer reviewing? (hangout session) Hangout with Falling Walls Labsters: Science Communication and Publishing, Berlin Science Week, 05.11.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 5.11.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {Transparency in publishing: How to open the black box of peer reviewing? (hangout session)},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-11-05},
urldate = {2023-11-05},
abstract = {Peer review is pivotal for evaluating scientific work, requiring impartial expert assessments to gauge research quality. To foster transparency and fairness in publishing, it's essential to explore ways to demystify the peer-review process without jeopardizing reviewer anonymity. In our session, we will brainstorm strategies for advancing peer-review practices in today's dynamic research landscape. These may include enhancing reviewer training, implementing accountability measures, or harnessing AI to accelerate reviews and ensure the timely dissemination of knowledge.},
howpublished = {Hangout with Falling Walls Labsters: Science Communication and Publishing, Berlin Science Week},
note = {Berlin, Germany, 5.11.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
Peer review is pivotal for evaluating scientific work, requiring impartial expert assessments to gauge research quality. To foster transparency and fairness in publishing, it's essential to explore ways to demystify the peer-review process without jeopardizing reviewer anonymity. In our session, we will brainstorm strategies for advancing peer-review practices in today's dynamic research landscape. These may include enhancing reviewer training, implementing accountability measures, or harnessing AI to accelerate reviews and ensure the timely dissemination of knowledge. |
19. |  | From PostDoc to Editor (invited talk) Berlin PostDoc Day 2023, Humboldt Graduate School, 02.11.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 2.-3.11.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {From PostDoc to Editor (invited talk)},
url = {https://www.mdc-berlin.de/postdoc-day},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-11-02},
howpublished = {Berlin PostDoc Day 2023, Humboldt Graduate School},
note = {Berlin, Germany, 2.-3.11.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {forthcoming},
tppubtype = {presentation}
18. |  | How to publish in Nature Research journals (invited talk) CRC 1270 ELAINE Colloquium, 25.10.2023, (Rostock, Germany, 25.10.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {How to publish in Nature Research journals (invited talk)},
url = {https://www.elaine.uni-rostock.de/kolloquium/},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-10-25},
urldate = {2023-10-25},
abstract = {Publishing your research in an esteemed journal in the Nature Portfolio (Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, etc.) involves more than just solid research. My talk aims to demystify the editorial journey within Nature-branded research journals, revealing the hidden steps that a submitted manuscript goes through on the way to becoming an accepted article.
I will explain the criteria our experienced in-house editors use to evaluate submissions and the process by which we shortlist which manuscripts will be sent into peer review. We will discuss how to effectively convey your research to both editors and reviewers, ensuring your message is clear and impactful. I will then guide you through the entire peer-review process, shedding light on the rigorous selection of referees by our editors and the decision-making process based on the reviewers’ feedback. We will also discuss new developments towards a more transparent peer-review, including the integration of early career researchers in peer reviewing, handling of multi-disciplinary research, and open data. Along the way I will tell anecdotes from the life of an editor and some best practices that will help you to craft compelling cover letters, persuasive response letters, and successful appeals - empowering you to enhance your chances of publication success in Nature Research journals.
Christian Kuttner is an Associate Editor at Nature Communications, where he is responsible for physical chemistry content with a focus on nanomaterials. Before becoming a full-time editor, he conducted research as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the CIC biomaGUNE in Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, and as a postdoctoral researcher at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research (IPF) in Dresden, Germany.},
howpublished = {CRC 1270 ELAINE Colloquium},
note = {Rostock, Germany, 25.10.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {forthcoming},
tppubtype = {presentation}
Publishing your research in an esteemed journal in the Nature Portfolio (Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, etc.) involves more than just solid research. My talk aims to demystify the editorial journey within Nature-branded research journals, revealing the hidden steps that a submitted manuscript goes through on the way to becoming an accepted article.
I will explain the criteria our experienced in-house editors use to evaluate submissions and the process by which we shortlist which manuscripts will be sent into peer review. We will discuss how to effectively convey your research to both editors and reviewers, ensuring your message is clear and impactful. I will then guide you through the entire peer-review process, shedding light on the rigorous selection of referees by our editors and the decision-making process based on the reviewers’ feedback. We will also discuss new developments towards a more transparent peer-review, including the integration of early career researchers in peer reviewing, handling of multi-disciplinary research, and open data. Along the way I will tell anecdotes from the life of an editor and some best practices that will help you to craft compelling cover letters, persuasive response letters, and successful appeals - empowering you to enhance your chances of publication success in Nature Research journals.
Christian Kuttner is an Associate Editor at Nature Communications, where he is responsible for physical chemistry content with a focus on nanomaterials. Before becoming a full-time editor, he conducted research as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the CIC biomaGUNE in Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, and as a postdoctoral researcher at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research (IPF) in Dresden, Germany. |
17. |  | The editorial side of publishing (invited talk) MatChIng Writing Camp of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), 17.10.2023, (Döllnsee, Templin, Germany, 17.10.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {The editorial side of publishing (invited talk)},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-10-17},
urldate = {2023-10-17},
howpublished = {MatChIng Writing Camp of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)},
note = {Döllnsee, Templin, Germany, 17.10.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
16. |  | The Nature portfolio - a glimpse behind the curtains (invited talk) Summer workshop of the GrK/RTG NanoHybrid, 13.09.2023, (Lübeck, Germany; 11.-14.09.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {The Nature portfolio - a glimpse behind the curtains (invited talk)},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-09-13},
urldate = {2023-09-13},
howpublished = {Summer workshop of the GrK/RTG NanoHybrid},
note = {Lübeck, Germany; 11.-14.09.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
15. |  | The value of multidisciplinary research and applied sciences - our editorial position (invited talk) SERS Round Table, 12.09.2023, (Poltersdorf-Ellenz, Germany, 11.-13.09.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {The value of multidisciplinary research and applied sciences - our editorial position (invited talk)},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-09-12},
urldate = {2023-09-12},
howpublished = {SERS Round Table},
note = {Poltersdorf-Ellenz, Germany, 11.-13.09.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
14. |  | Leadership workshop about change management and hybrid work (organisation and funding acquisition) Summer reunion of the "Leading for Tomorrow" alumni community of the German Physical Society (DPG), 14.07.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 13.-15.07.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {Leadership workshop about change management and hybrid work (organisation and funding acquisition)},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-07-14},
urldate = {2023-07-14},
howpublished = {Summer reunion of the "Leading for Tomorrow" alumni community of the German Physical Society (DPG)},
note = {Berlin, Germany, 13.-15.07.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
13. |  | Nanoscience with nanocrystals NaNaX10, 03.07.2023, (Klosterneuburg (ISTA), Austria, 03.-07.07.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {Nanoscience with nanocrystals},
url = {http://nanax.org/},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-07-03},
urldate = {2023-07-03},
booktitle = {Nanoscience with Nanocrystals},
journal = {Nanoscience with Nanocrystals},
howpublished = {NaNaX10},
note = {Klosterneuburg (ISTA), Austria, 03.-07.07.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
12. |  | How the world deals with materials on the nanoscale International conference on nanomaterials (NANODIALOG / BMUV), 22.06.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 22.-23.06.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {How the world deals with materials on the nanoscale},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-06-22},
urldate = {2023-07-22},
howpublished = {International conference on nanomaterials (NANODIALOG / BMUV)},
note = {Berlin, Germany, 22.-23.06.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
11. |  | Life as an editor in the Nature portfolio (invited talk) Career day of the Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB), 02.06.2023, (Dresden, Germany, 02.06.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {Life as an editor in the Nature portfolio (invited talk)},
url = {https://www.digs-bb.de/curriculum/awards-career-development/career-day-2023},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-06-02},
howpublished = {Career day of the Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB)},
note = {Dresden, Germany, 02.06.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
10. |  | From particulate building blocks to functional soft matter assemblies 18th Dresden Polymer Discussion, 21.05.2023, (Meißen, Germany, 21.-24.05.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {From particulate building blocks to functional soft matter assemblies},
url = {http://www.polymerdiscussion.de/},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-05-21},
urldate = {2023-05-21},
howpublished = {18th Dresden Polymer Discussion},
note = {Meißen, Germany, 21.-24.05.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
9. |  | From characterisation to understanding - properties and functionality of colloidal systems 18th Zsigmondy Colloquium, 04.04.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 04.-06.04.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {From characterisation to understanding - properties and functionality of colloidal systems},
url = {https://www.tu.berlin/en/molmat/zsigmondy2023/zsigmondy-colloquium},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-04-04},
howpublished = {18th Zsigmondy Colloquium},
note = {Berlin, Germany, 04.-06.04.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
8. |  | Spring meeting of the condensed matter section 26.03.2023, (Dresden, Germany, 26.-31.03.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {Spring meeting of the condensed matter section},
url = {https://www.dpg-physik.de/veranstaltungen/2023/dpg-fruehjahrstagung-skm?set_language=en},
doi = {DPG SKM 2023},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-03-26},
note = {Dresden, Germany, 26.-31.03.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
7. |  | Design of particulate products CRC 1411 International Symposium, 20.03.2023, (Erlangen, Germany, 20.-21.03.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {Design of particulate products},
url = {https://www.crc1411.research.fau.eu/2023/02/09/registration-for-the-crc-1411-international-symposium-is-now-open/#wpcf7-f3321-p3325-o1},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-03-20},
urldate = {2023-03-20},
howpublished = {CRC 1411 International Symposium},
note = {Erlangen, Germany, 20.-21.03.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
6. |  | How peer review guides our editorial decisions (invited talk) "Preprint vs. peer-review" Kaminabend, Bayrische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BAdW), 17.03.2023, (Munich, Germany, 17.03.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {How peer review guides our editorial decisions (invited talk)},
url = {https://badw.de/fileadmin/events/2023/838/Kaminabend_Preprint_Schober_final.pdf},
year = {2023},
date = {2023-03-17},
howpublished = {"Preprint vs. peer-review" Kaminabend, Bayrische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BAdW)},
note = {Munich, Germany, 17.03.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
5. |  | 100 years of colloid society - colloid science as modern as ever 51st General assembly of the Colloid Society (Kolloidgesellschaft), 28.09.2022, (Berlin, Germany, 28.-30.09.2022). @misc{nokey,
title = {100 years of colloid society - colloid science as modern as ever},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-28},
urldate = {2022-09-28},
howpublished = {51st General assembly of the Colloid Society (Kolloidgesellschaft)},
note = {Berlin, Germany, 28.-30.09.2022},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
4. |  | Nanoalloys: recent developments and future perspectives 242th Faraday Discussion, 21.09.2022, (London, UK and online, 21.-23.09.2022). @misc{nokey,
title = {Nanoalloys: recent developments and future perspectives},
url = {https://www.rsc.org/events/detail/45656/nanoalloys-recent-developments-and-future-perspectives-faraday-discussion
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-21},
howpublished = {242th Faraday Discussion},
note = {London, UK and online, 21.-23.09.2022},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
3. |  | Spring meeting of the condensed matter section DPG SKM, 04.09.2022, (Regensburg, Germany, 04.-09.09.2022). @misc{nokey,
title = {Spring meeting of the condensed matter section},
url = {https://regensburg22.dpg-tagungen.de},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-09-04},
urldate = {2022-09-04},
howpublished = {DPG SKM},
note = {Regensburg, Germany, 04.-09.09.2022},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
2. |  | Leadership workshop about shaping networks "Netzwerke ausgestalten" (organisation and funding acquisition) Summer reunion of the "Leading for Tomorrow" alumni community of the German Physical Society (DPG), 25.06.2022, (Berlin, Germany, 24.-26.06.2022). @misc{nokey,
title = {Leadership workshop about shaping networks "Netzwerke ausgestalten" (organisation and funding acquisition)},
year = {2022},
date = {2022-06-25},
urldate = {2022-06-25},
howpublished = {Summer reunion of the "Leading for Tomorrow" alumni community of the German Physical Society (DPG)},
note = {Berlin, Germany, 24.-26.06.2022},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}
1. |  | Understanding crystallization 235th Faraday Discussion, 28.03.2022, (York, UK and online, 28.-30.03.2023). @misc{nokey,
title = {Understanding crystallization},
url = {https://www.rsc.org/events/detail/41849/understanding-crystallisation-faraday-discussion
year = {2022},
date = {2022-03-28},
urldate = {2022-03-28},
howpublished = {235th Faraday Discussion},
note = {York, UK and online, 28.-30.03.2023},
keywords = {},
pubstate = {published},
tppubtype = {presentation}