List of Outreach Activities

A brief overview of outreach activities:



Stargate and more: AI on the move (Richard Socher)

Falling Walls Foundation, 29.01.2025, (Falling Walls Office, Berlin, 29. Jan 2025).


54.Disruption versus consolidation: an editor's perspective on scientific progress (invited talk)

Disruption versus consolidation: an editor's perspective on scientific progress (invited talk)

1st Congress “Nano Solutions meet Big Challenges in Health”, 23.01.2025, (Madrid, Spain, 23.-24. Jan. 2025).

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53."Diese Breite ist total spannend" (English: "This breadth is utterly fascinating")

Maike Pfalz

"Diese Breite ist total spannend" (English: "This breadth is utterly fascinating")

In: Physik Journal, iss. 1, 2025.

(Abstract | Links: )


52.Uniting Today’s Nanotechnology for Advancing Tomorrow’s Semiconductor Physics (Meet-the-Editor Session)

Uniting Today’s Nanotechnology for Advancing Tomorrow’s Semiconductor Physics (Meet-the-Editor Session)

821. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 14.11.2024, (Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, 13.-15. Nov. 2024).

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51.Which are the next walls to fall?

Which are the next walls to fall?

Falling Walls Science Summit 2024, Berlin Science Week, 07.11.2024, (Berlin, Germany, 7.-9.11.2024).

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50.Mit Physik die Welt verstehen und gestalten

Mit Physik die Welt verstehen und gestalten

Die Jahresveranstaltung der Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung, 06.11.2024, (dbb forum Berlin, 6. Nov. 2024).

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49.Avoiding bias in decision making? (hangout session)

Avoiding bias in decision making? (hangout session)

Hangout with Falling Walls Labsters: Science Communication and Publishing, Berlin Science Week, 05.11.2024, (Berlin, Germany, 5.11.2024).

48.SN Berlin Slam 2024 (canceled)

SN Berlin Slam 2024 (canceled)

Springer Nature Berlin Hub and Berlin Science Week, 01.11.2024, (Berlin, 1. Nov. 2024).

(Abstract | Links: )

47.General Assembly of the AKjDPG

General Assembly of the AKjDPG

Young DPG (jDPG), 25.10.2024, (Berlin, 25.-27. Oct. 2024).


46.Inside Nature portfolio: editorial process and innovations (talk)

Inside Nature portfolio: editorial process and innovations (talk)

52nd biennial assembly of the colloid society, 01.10.2024, (Dresden, Germany, 30. Sept. -2. Oct. 2024).

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45.Inside Nature portfolio: editorial process and innovations (invited talk)

Inside Nature portfolio: editorial process and innovations (invited talk)

SPEC 2024, Spectroscopy & Electrochemistry Summer School (Jesolo, Italy, 15.-20. Sept. 2024), 19.09.2024.

(Abstract | Links: )

44.Data-driven discovery in the chemical sciences

Data-driven discovery in the chemical sciences

Faraday Discussion, 10.09.2024, (Oxford, UK, 10.-12. Sept. 2024).

(Abstract | Links: )

43.IFA 2024 - The world's largest consumer and electronics show

IFA 2024 - The world's largest consumer and electronics show

Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA), 08.09.2024, (Berlin, 6.-10. Sept. 2024).

(Abstract | Links: )

42.Leadership workshop (organisation and funding acquisition)

Leadership workshop (organisation and funding acquisition)

Summer reunion of the "Leading for Tomorrow" alumni community of the German Physical Society (DPG), 05.09.2024, (Berlin, Germany, 05.-07.09.2024).

41.Booster Workshop for Volunteer Staff of the DPG - Project Management & Team Management

Booster Workshop for Volunteer Staff of the DPG - Project Management & Team Management

DPG Akademie, 29.08.2024, (Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, 29.-30. Aug. 2024).

(Abstract | Links: )


Botanische Nacht #BoNa2024

15 years Botanical Night: A magical anniversary at the Botanical Garden Berlin!, 19.07.2024, (Berlin, 19.-20. July 2024).

(Abstract | Links: )

39.Which are the next walls to fall in science and society?

Which are the next walls to fall in science and society?

Falling Walls Lab Adlershof, 16.07.2024, (BAM, Berlin, 16. July 2024).

(Abstract | Links: )

38.Inside Nature portfolio: editorial process and innovations (invited talk)

Inside Nature portfolio: editorial process and innovations (invited talk)

Curious2024 – Future Insight™ Conference, 10.07.2024, (Rheingoldhalle, Mainz, Germany 10–11. July, 2024).

(Abstract | Links: )

37.Equity in Science and Society

Equity in Science and Society

Pride at MDC Symposium, 28.06.2024, (Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (MDC-BIMSB), Berlin, Germany, 28. June 2024).

36.Career as a leader: How does it work? (Podium discussion)

Career as a leader: How does it work? (Podium discussion)

Starting module of the Leading-for-Tomorrow cohort 2024, 27.06.2024, (Magnus-Haus, Berlin, 27. June 2024).

35.Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Micro‐ and Nanoparticles: Theory & Experiment (Meet-the-Editor Session)

Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Micro‐ and Nanoparticles: Theory & Experiment (Meet-the-Editor Session)

815. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 09.06.2024, (Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, 9.-12. June 2024).

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34.Berlin Sciencefluencer 2024 - Award Ceremony

Berlin Sciencefluencer 2024 - Award Ceremony

Berlin University Alliance, 05.06.2024, (Berlin, 5. June 2024).

(Abstract | Links: )

33.Woche der Umwelt

Woche der Umwelt

Deutsch Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU), 04.06.2024, (Berlin, Bellevue, 4.-5. June 2024).

(Abstract | Links: )

32.Functional Materials at Surfaces - Fabrication, Atomic-scale Characterization, and Advances Towards Application (Meet-the-Editor Session)

Functional Materials at Surfaces - Fabrication, Atomic-scale Characterization, and Advances Towards Application (Meet-the-Editor Session)

809. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, 06.05.2024, (Physikzentrum, Bad Honnef, Germany, 5.-10. May 2024).

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31.Mit Physik die Welt verstehen und verändern (Understanding and shaping the world with physics)

Christian Kuttner, Adam Kubec

Mit Physik die Welt verstehen und verändern (Understanding and shaping the world with physics)

In: Physik Journal, vol. 23, iss. 4, pp. 51, 2024.

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30.Podcast episode: The academic publishing system

Podcast episode: The academic publishing system

Your Friendly Physicist and Other Nerds, 01.04.2024, (Youtube, Spotify, AppleMusic, 1. Apr. 2024).

(Abstract | Links: )

29.The EPS Forum

The EPS Forum

European Physics Society (EPS), 25.03.2024, (Freie Universität Berlin, 25.-27.3.2024).

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28.Spring meeting of the condensed matter section

Spring meeting of the condensed matter section

17.03.2024, (Berlin, 17.-22.03.2024).

27.Opening event of the Main FlussFilmFest shorts 2024

Opening event of the Main FlussFilmFest shorts 2024

14.03.2024, (Bayreuth, Germany, 14.03.2024).

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26.From Postdoc to ... Editor (career talk / video)

From Postdoc to ... Editor (career talk / video)

Youtube, 01.03.2024.

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25.Ein lebendiges Netzwerk (A vibrant network)

Christian Kuttner, Adam Kubec

Ein lebendiges Netzwerk (A vibrant network)

In: Physik Journal, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 76-77, 2024.

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24.The responsibility of science: Which technology could turn out to be the next nuclear bomb?

The responsibility of science: Which technology could turn out to be the next nuclear bomb?

Joint Committee on the Handling of Security-Related Research, Leopoldina, 23.01.2024, (Berlin, Cinema Paris, 23.01.2024).

(Abstract | Links: )


23.Outreach for L4T-Alumni Community

Outreach for L4T-Alumni Community

Leading for Tomorrow - Market Place und Transfer, 27.11.2023, (Magnus-Haus Berlin, 27.11.2023).

22.Which are the next walls to fall?

Which are the next walls to fall?

Falling Walls Science Summit 2023, Berlin Science Week, 07.11.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 7.-9.11.2023).

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21.Mit Physik die Welt verstehen und gestalten

Mit Physik die Welt verstehen und gestalten

WE-Heraeus-Forum, Jahresveranstaltung der Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung, 06.11.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 6.11.2023).

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20.Transparency in publishing: How to open the black box of peer reviewing? (hangout session)

Transparency in publishing: How to open the black box of peer reviewing? (hangout session)

Hangout with Falling Walls Labsters: Science Communication and Publishing, Berlin Science Week, 05.11.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 5.11.2023).


19.From PostDoc to Editor (invited talk)

From PostDoc to Editor (invited talk)

Berlin PostDoc Day 2023, Humboldt Graduate School, 02.11.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 2.-3.11.2023).

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18.How to publish in Nature Research journals (invited talk)

How to publish in Nature Research journals (invited talk)

CRC 1270 ELAINE Colloquium, 25.10.2023, (Rostock, Germany, 25.10.2023).

(Abstract | Links: )

17.The editorial side of publishing (invited talk)

The editorial side of publishing (invited talk)

MatChIng Writing Camp of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), 17.10.2023, (Döllnsee, Templin, Germany, 17.10.2023).

16.The Nature portfolio - a glimpse behind the curtains (invited talk)

The Nature portfolio - a glimpse behind the curtains (invited talk)

Summer workshop of the GrK/RTG NanoHybrid, 13.09.2023, (Lübeck, Germany; 11.-14.09.2023).

15.The value of multidisciplinary research and applied sciences - our editorial position (invited talk)

The value of multidisciplinary research and applied sciences - our editorial position (invited talk)

SERS Round Table, 12.09.2023, (Poltersdorf-Ellenz, Germany, 11.-13.09.2023).

14.Leadership workshop about change management and hybrid work (organisation and funding acquisition)

Leadership workshop about change management and hybrid work (organisation and funding acquisition)

Summer reunion of the "Leading for Tomorrow" alumni community of the German Physical Society (DPG), 14.07.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 13.-15.07.2023).

13.Nanoscience with nanocrystals

Nanoscience with nanocrystals

NaNaX10, 03.07.2023, (Klosterneuburg (ISTA), Austria, 03.-07.07.2023).

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12.How the world deals with materials on the nanoscale

How the world deals with materials on the nanoscale

International conference on nanomaterials (NANODIALOG / BMUV), 22.06.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 22.-23.06.2023).

11.Life as an editor in the Nature portfolio (invited talk)

Life as an editor in the Nature portfolio (invited talk)

Career day of the Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB), 02.06.2023, (Dresden, Germany, 02.06.2023).

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10.From particulate building blocks to functional soft matter assemblies

From particulate building blocks to functional soft matter assemblies

18th Dresden Polymer Discussion, 21.05.2023, (Meißen, Germany, 21.-24.05.2023).

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9.From characterisation to understanding - properties and functionality of colloidal systems

From characterisation to understanding - properties and functionality of colloidal systems

18th Zsigmondy Colloquium, 04.04.2023, (Berlin, Germany, 04.-06.04.2023).

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8.Spring meeting of the condensed matter section

Spring meeting of the condensed matter section

26.03.2023, (Dresden, Germany, 26.-31.03.2023).

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7.Design of particulate products

Design of particulate products

CRC 1411 International Symposium, 20.03.2023, (Erlangen, Germany, 20.-21.03.2023).

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6.How peer review guides our editorial decisions (invited talk)

How peer review guides our editorial decisions (invited talk)

"Preprint vs. peer-review" Kaminabend, Bayrische Akademie der Wissenschaften (BAdW), 17.03.2023, (Munich, Germany, 17.03.2023).

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5.100 years of colloid society - colloid science as modern as ever

100 years of colloid society - colloid science as modern as ever

51st General assembly of the Colloid Society (Kolloidgesellschaft), 28.09.2022, (Berlin, Germany, 28.-30.09.2022).

4.Nanoalloys: recent developments and future perspectives

Nanoalloys: recent developments and future perspectives

242th Faraday Discussion, 21.09.2022, (London, UK and online, 21.-23.09.2022).

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3.Spring meeting of the condensed matter section

Spring meeting of the condensed matter section

DPG SKM, 04.09.2022, (Regensburg, Germany, 04.-09.09.2022).

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2.Leadership workshop about shaping networks "Netzwerke ausgestalten" (organisation and funding acquisition)

Leadership workshop about shaping networks "Netzwerke ausgestalten" (organisation and funding acquisition)

Summer reunion of the "Leading for Tomorrow" alumni community of the German Physical Society (DPG), 25.06.2022, (Berlin, Germany, 24.-26.06.2022).

1.Understanding crystallization

Understanding crystallization

235th Faraday Discussion, 28.03.2022, (York, UK and online, 28.-30.03.2023).

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